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    Peak Frost
    Take your performance to the next level


    Delivery time: Our delivery time for the Peak Frost Ice Tub is usually approx. 2 - 3 working days within Germany. For more details regarding the shipping internationally and tracking of your order, read our Shipping Policy .

    Our Peak Frost Ice Tub has been designed to fit people of all sizes up to 2 meters (or 6'6) tall.

    To ensure that nothing gets into the water, it is recommended to put the lid on after use.

    In the colder seasons, the Peak Frost Ice Tub is low-maintenance, as there are significantly fewer bacteria in the water in cold temperatures than in warm temperatures and you can change the water when necessary. In the warmer seasons, however, more frequent cleaning is advisable to keep the water fresh and clean. A good rule of thumb is every week to every 2-3 weeks.

    If the Ice Tub needs to be cleaned, it is recommended to use warm soapy water.

    The Peak Frost Ice Tub has a five-layer insulation system and a thermal lid. These ensure that the temperature is maintained. To maintain the Peak Frost in the water, we recommend storing the Peak Frost Ice Tub in a shady place.

    Yes! We also offer free shipping in the EU.

    Setting up the Peak Frost Ice Tub is really easy and only takes 5-10 minutes. The ice barrel is set up really quickly - just open it up, inflate the support ring (air ring) with the pump provided, insert the support rods and the Peak Frost Ice Tub is ready for use! Setting it up is really easy. All you need is a stable surface on which to place the ice tub. Most of the set-up time is needed to fill the ice barrel with water.

    Take a garden hose or bucket and fill the Peak Frost Ice Tub. When it is about 85% full, the Peak Frost is ready!

    Yes, the Peak Frost Ice Tub is equally suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Even in freezing cold temperatures, ice bathing with the Peak Frost Ice Tub is no problem at all. Of course, in this scenario it is important to take care of the ice to prevent the Peak Frost Ice Tub from freezing completely. Otherwise, it can be used without hesitation in freezing temperatures.

    Your Peak Frost Ice Tub comes with a thermometer so you can easily check the water temperature. The ideal temperature for a cold soak is between 10-15°C. Start with a milder cold (around 15°C) or with a short soak time in the Ice Tub.

    Although it is generally safe, people with certain health conditions should consult a doctor before starting the cold bath. If you have cardiovascular problems, you should seek medical advice first.

    While you may feel immediate benefits in the form of reduced pain and increased alertness, more noticeable physical results - such as faster recovery and increased performance - are typically seen after 2-4 weeks of regular use.


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